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SoulTalk with Kute Blackson

Jun 27, 2018

"It is a mistake to think that the obstacles to finding love are outside of ourselves."

Episode Summary:

Katherine Woodward Thomas is a coach trainer, licensed marriage therapist and best-selling author of Calling in “The One:” 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life. In this episode, she shares with us her...

Jun 20, 2018

Sometimes it takes a bigger love to allow someone to fall down and stand up on their own.

Episode Summary:

It is sometimes tempting to do things for the people we love. It can be a way to express our love. But is it really helping them? We can often end up doing too much for the people we love. Listen to this...

Jun 13, 2018

“We need to put sacred consciousness, sacred love, sacred compassion into urgent, focused action, what I call sacred activism, in a worldwide movement of love and wisdom in action.”

Episode Summary:

Religious scholar, author of over 30 books and world renowned teacher of mystic traditions, Andrew Harvey talks about...

Jun 6, 2018

“You attract a partner that reflects to you the aspects of yourself that you most need to heal, love, integrate, and make peace with.”

Episode Summary:

If your partner cheats on you, it is undoubtedly deeply painful. To feel your heart and trust betrayed is a difficult thing to recover from. So does that...