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SoulTalk with Kute Blackson

Dec 26, 2023

This is my body, my only body. I give it love, respect, and gratitude.

In this episode of the SoulTalk Podcast, let me share my journey from hating to loving my own body. It’s a story of overcoming societal expectations, beauty standards, and perceptions about that “right” body shape and size.

Today, I provide the 4 keys that help me improve my relationship with my body. Through these keys, I discovered that true self-love goes beyond confirming external standards. Join me as we explore these transformative keys to embracing your body. Tune in to this week’s episode!


  • 0:00 - Intro
  • 0:51 - Why our body is important?
  • 2:07 - My childhood story as a fat boy and how I dealt with it
  • 6:13 - How to embrace the true beauty of your body?
  • 10:09 - What is beauty?
  • 12:34 - How is the body a sacred temple?
  • 19:11 - Key #1: Acknowledge that you have a body and it's a part of you.
  • 19:55 - Key #2: Find ways to appreciate your body daily.
  • 21:13 - Key #3: Take time to listen to your body.
  • 23:19 - Key #4: Love your body and commit to taking great care of your body.

Some questions I ask:

  • How has society, media, and advertising influenced our perception and relationship with our bodies?
  • How have societal standards of beauty and fitness affected our culture’s relationship with our bodies?
  • How did self-hatred help me lose weight as a young boy?
  • What is the true definition of beauty?
  • How can cultivating gratitude for your body’s capabilities improve your overall well-being?

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • My journey from self-hatred to self-love.
  • How important is it to have a healthy relationship with your body?
  • How listening to your own body can help you deal with emotional issues.
  • The truth about loving and appreciating one’s body for overall fulfillment and happiness.
  • Practical tips for taking care of your body.

Useful Resources/ Links:

●       FREE 3-Part Video Series: How To Find Your Purpose:

Get in Touch:

●       Email me at

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